Meet ElectroAir EV charging systems!

EV charging systems

The development of electric vehicles (EVs) has created a need for reliable, efficient, and user-friendly charging systems. ElectroAir has recognized this need and is revolutionizing the EV charging industry with their cutting-edge EACharger AC and DC-Public systems. These charging systems cater to a range of EACharger models, with a focus on convenience, efficiency, and user experience.

EACharger AC

The EACharger AC system offers compatibility for both Type 1 and Type 2 sockets, making it ideal for a wide range of EVs. It can deliver up to 44kW of power, which means fast and efficient charging for EV drivers. The charger also boasts several useful features, such as an RFID reader, payment terminal, graphic display, and multiple outputs that can accommodate various socket and cable configurations. The flexible design of the EACharger AC makes it ideal for a range of applications, including municipal parking lots, road infrastructure, charging hubs, airports, shopping malls, and stadiums.

ACharger DC-Public

The EACharger DC-Public system is designed for public charging needs and is equipped with authorization and payment features, including an RFID reader and card payment terminal. It supports CCS Combo2, CHAdeMO, and AC charging standards, making it ideal for a range of EV models. With the ability to choose the output power in 50kW increments, this charger allows for fast and efficient charging for two vehicles at the same time. The robust protective casing can withstand various weather conditions, making the charger suitable for outdoor use. The graphic display provides a user-friendly interface, making the charging process simple and intuitive.

In conclusion, ElectroAir is at the forefront of the EV charging industry, with innovative and user-friendly charging systems that cater to a wide range of EV models. The company’s focus on convenience, efficiency, and user experience is evident in the design of their EACharger AC and DC-Public systems. If you’re interested in learning more about ElectroAir’s EV charging solutions, or need additional information, don’t hesitate to reach out to the team at With ElectroAir, the future of electric vehicle charging is here.


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